Our office is well equipped to maximize your chances to obtain payment of an unpaid account and we are able to handle a heavy collection caseload.


What is more frustrating than to be compelled to take legal action in order to recover an unpaid account? We understand this and that is why we offer interesting and varied packages for the collection of unpaid accounts or loans. Under certain conditions, we often allow our professional fees to be calculated on the basis of a percentage of the collected sums, whatever the amount of the debt due to you.

Our office is well equipped to maximize your chances to collect debts and, thanks to a rigorous, effective and well-structured system, we are able to handle a heavy collection caseload and to furnish you monthly reports on the state of our management of each case.

We believe that the key to success resulting in increased chances to obtain payment of an unpaid account is to act without delay and to undertake all protective measures available in certain circumstances, such as, for instance, a seizure before judgment which we undertake with rigour.

We are experts in the realization of collateral pledges (legal or conventional hypothecs) both immovable and movable. Moreover, our office appeared before the highest judicial instance, the Supreme Court of Canada, pleading a case regarding immovable hypothecs.

Unfortunately, debtors, private parties or businesses may occasionally declare bankruptcy. We can even take action in this case, assist you in the filing of your claim that can be guaranteed within the meaning of the Bankruptcy and Insolvency Act, and represent you in front of the bankruptcy trustee or in court regarding any issue such as, for instance, the discharge of a debtor or the revision of certain so-called preferential transactions made for the purpose of defrauding one or several creditors.