Me Jean-Sebastien Boucher, attorney | Team member of Barrette & Associates


514 637-5568


514 637-5568




“Every time you see a successful business, tell yourself it’s because on a given day somebody made a courageous decision.” Peter Drucker


Having given numerous lectures and training sessions in Business Law for a varied clientele of entrepreneurs just getting off the ground or whose businesses are in full expansion, Me Jean-Sébastien Boucher is a lawyer renowned for his vitality and his keen business sense.

With his innate ability to explain abstract and highly specialized concepts to the layman and as an adventure traveller who speaks three languages (French, English and Spanish), Me Jean-Sébastien Boucher has been giving legal advice for more than a decade to entrepreneurs and senior leadership on a provincial, national and international level.

His highly developed talent in grasping subtleties and his entrepreneurial profile allow him to shed light on the basic substance of the complex principles of the Law in the realm of the business world while at the same time finding the winning angle for his clients.

Strategic in his approach and proactive in his way of handling affairs, this hard worker is outstandingly reliable. Me Jean-Sébastien Boucher’s clients are therefore always reassured and feel fully confident in him.

Areas of specialization

Professional engagements